Travel Montenegro: Top 5 Reasons To Visit Montenegro In 2023

1 Apr - Written By Aussies in the Wild

Considering a trip to Montenegro? We are so excited for you (and a tad jealous) because hands down Montenegro was one of our all-time favorite finds during the 6 months we spent gallivanting around Europe. And in our personal opinion, it is still an extremely underrated European holiday destination.

Perhaps this is because Montenegro is one of Europe’s smallest countries, with fewer people than your average city - hooray for crowd-avoiding travelers like ourselves. And lucky for us, it is still very much a hidden gem of the Balkans, and one that should be visited ASAP before the secret is out!

Person enjoying Sveti Stefan great view over Ivano Vidoni beach

Travel Montenegro and explore the pearl of the Adriatic: A panoramic view over Sveti Stefan, Montenegro.

Why visit Montengero?

Let’s cut straight to the chase. Montenegro isn’t just pretty, it’s downright breathtaking. But that’s not all, this place seriously has it all. We’re talking jaw-dropping views across the Adriatic coast, a dramatic backdrop of rugged mountain ranges, sandy Adriatic beaches, delicious cuisine, and friendly locals who will welcome you with open arms (and maybe even a shot of rakija if you’re lucky). And the best part? it won’t break the bank like the popular neighboring European countries.

Whether you’re a nature lover, avid hiker, water enthusiast, or beach bum, we can promise you Montenegro has something for everyone.

So it should come as no surprise that we are now making it our mission to tell you why you have to immediately put Montenegro on your travel bucket list this year.

1. Convenient Geographical Location

Scenic view over Bay of Kotor from San Giovanni Fortress lookout

Montenegro doubles up as a convenient and affordable travel destination.

Where is Montenegro located?

In case you’re wondering, Montenegro is a picturesque small Balkan country nestled between Croatia to the west, Bosnia and Herzegovina to the north-west, Serbia to the north-east, Kosovo to the east, and Albania to the south-east (I’d like to thank google maps for enabling this factual description).

Now that we’ve got the logistics out of the way, Montenegro’s ideal geographical position means that you will have access to spectacular views across the Adriatic coast (yep, bring on those epic sunsets), breathtaking lakes, and scenic mountains that stretch all the way inland, towards the eastern part of the country.

A budget-friendly European holiday alternative

Montenegro’s central location also puts it within arm’s reach of the largest European markets, making it one of Europe’s more budget-friendly travel destinations, especially in the peak summer months!

Thanks to Croatia’s popularity as a tourist destination, Montenegro is starting to catch the attention of more and more travelers (we can now count ourselves as two of them). With cheaper flight options now opening up to the region, Montenegro can be reached very quickly from popular European countries (London: 3 hours, Frankfurt: 2 hours, Paris: 2.5 hours, and Rome: 1.5 hours).

With such easy and quick accessibility options, now would be the perfect time to explore this hidden gem before it becomes overrun with tourists. Plus it’s also a great starting point for anyone looking to explore the Balkans.

Size does matter. But sometimes, smaller is better (I think?)

This runs true when it comes to Montenegro. With so many locations to explore (which we will get to in a brief moment’s time), Montenegro’s compact size also allows you to travel easily and cost-effectively from one place to another, without wasting hours & money taking internal flights, buses, and trains.

What is the best way to travel around Montenegro?

Having your own mode of transport is the easiest way to explore and access the best of Montenegro. In our experience, it was both cost and time-effective to pick up a car rental in Croatia and drive into and around Montenegro with ease, living our absolute best lives.

How long do you need to explore Montenegro?

Montenegro is a small country with just 250km separating the north from the south, meaning you can easily explore everything the country has to offer in 1 week with your own mode of transport. If time is on your side, however, we do recommend spreading your trip out across 10 days to 2 weeks like we did to soak up every corner of this beautiful country.

To put it quite frankly, Montenegro offers the perfect combination of affordability and convenience. Now, are you convinced yet?

Scenic mountain view of Montenegro from the car

2. Its Unique Natural Diversity

Montenegro is an incredibly beautiful country, unlike any other. You are sure to encounter breathtaking scenery at every turn, from stunning beaches and crystal clear waters to windy roads and hiking trails through majestic mountain ranges. One thing’s for sure; Montenegro’s natural beauty will not leave you disappointed.

Mountain view from Mausoleum of Petar II Petrovic-Njegos lookout

Montenegro’s stunning natural beauty is sure to impress anyone!

Montenegro is an incredibly beautiful country, unlike any other. You are sure to encounter breathtaking scenery at every turn, from stunning beaches and crystal clear waters to windy roads and hiking trails through majestic mountain ranges. One thing’s for sure; Montenegro’s natural beauty will not leave you disappointed.

Travel Montenegro: Explore Montenegro’s idyllic, hidden beaches

Boasting a stunning coastline, Montenegro offers some of the most picturesque beaches in the world that are sure to rival the likes of Croatia and Greece.

Known for its turquoise waters, soft golden sand, and stunning views of the Adriatic sea, it’s no surprise that Montenegro offers some of the best beach towns in Europe for the ultimate summer getaway.

Top 6 Best Beaches in Montenegro

As self-proclaimed beach lovers ourselves, we spent a decent amount of time searching for the best, hidden beaches in Montenegro. So without further ado, here is a list of our top 6 favourite Montenegro beaches (you can thank us later):

  1. Drobni Pijesak Beach
  2. Sveti Stefan
  3. Jaz Beach
  4. Ploce Beach
  5. Mogren Beach
  6. Kamenovo Beach
  7. Becici Beach
Stunning view over Drobni Pijesak Beach in Montenegro

Visit one of Montenegro’s Best Beaches: Drobni Pijesak Beach

Experience some of Europe’s finest hiking

Don’t be fooled. Montenegro isn’t only packed with beautiful sandy beaches, it is also a hikers paradise! Truth be told, we are not huge hikers and Montenegro made us WANT to be. That lasted all of a week but still, you get the point.

This little Balkan gem is packed with incredible national parks and mountains all over to explore. Some of the more noticeable include Prokletije, Komovi, and Rumija, as well as our personal favourite, Lovcen National Park. But it is hard to look past arguably the most famous national park in Montenegro - Durmitor National Park, which is bordered by three river canyons including the deepest one in all of Europe! Impressive right?

Laura and Andrew at Lovcen National Park Mointenegro

Travel Montenegro to experience unbeatable hiking in Lovcen National Park

Dare to Adventure Montenegro’s Tantalising Serpentine Road?

Just as the famous song goes, let’s twist, let’s twist again. And we’re almost certain he was singing about Montenegro’s famous Serpentine Road. Boy did we twist, around and around again down Kotor Serpentine. The challenging 8.5km journey is not for the faint-hearted, but golly gosh it offers the most spectacular views from every darn angle.

To make it a little less of a hair-raising experience for you, we strongly recommend hiring a car (let’s reiterate; the smaller the better) to take this trip. We witnessed buses attempting to drive part of this road (cue: mini heart attack) and I can’t imagine in what world this would be an enjoyable experience.

Taking a car also means you can stop at scenic points along the way like we did to enjoy a refreshing drink and a stunning free view!

Two people in nature enjoying mountain views in Montenegro

With so much natural beauty, it’s no wonder why Montenegro has caught the attention of more tourists in recent years. But fortunately for us, it still feels very much untouched. That is why it makes the perfect destination for your next European getaway, and the perfect segway into our next point.

Escape the European Crowds

Explore the beauty of the Adriatic without the crowds of popular nearby countries, like Croatia and Greece.

Boats docket in the quiet Bay of Kotor surrounded by mountain views

Montenegro offers all of what makes its neighbouring countries so popular, just without the crowds! And for anyone who is crowd-claustrophobic like Loz, this is going to be absolute music to your ears.

When we were planning our last-minute summer escape in August of last year, we were eager to find somewhere off the beaten track with a lot fewer tourists.

Now here come a couple of truth bombs.

  1. When Montenegro popped up on our maps, we had never heard of it before and had to do some serious googling (ideal).
  2. We were planning, researching, and booking this trip the night before we were set to travel in the PEAK summer season (not ideal).

Thanks to google flights, cheap transport, and accommodation availability despite the last-minute, chaotic nature of it all, our travel fairies granted us one wish and thankfully we ended up in this heavenly place.

I guess the point we’re trying to make here is that despite its increasing popularity with tourists in recent years, based on our first-hand (and very accurate research) account, Montenegro still remains off the beaten tourist trails and does not yet draw the same crowds as other nearby European holiday destinations.

Unlike its neighbouring counterpart, Croatia which no longer holds the title of the ’hidden pearl of the Adriatic’, the undiscovered magic of Montenegro is still very much alive.

Disclaimer: To keep your stress levels down, we do not encourage booking an entire trip the night before traveling. This approach should only be taken in the case of emergency travel purposes.

Boats in the quiet Bay of Kotor surrounded by mountains and blue skies

Looking for a quieter European vacay? Escape the summer crowds by visiting Montenegro in late August

Best time to visit Montenegro:

The best time of year to visit Montenegro purely depends on what you want to get out of your trip. We caught the end of the summer season (mid-late August) and personally, we could not have timed it better alongside the return of school holidays. It meant restaurants and businesses were still open, the streets still had great vibes for us to enjoy, but we were able to relax and enjoy the long summer days amongst quieter crowds.

Unsurprisingly, summer is the most popular time to visit Montenegro (as is the rest of Europe). Of course, the higher season comes with higher prices and an increase in crowds, but overall Montenegro is still extremely quieter in comparison to other popular European summer destinations.

If you are all about the outdoors and hiking, spring would be an ideal choice and for those of you who enjoy cooler temperatures and very few crowds, Autumn would be your best pick. But beware, if you are planning on traveling to Montenegro in the low season, many restaurants and businesses do close down during this period.

Families swimming in the crystal waters of Montenegro's coastal town of Kotor

4. Home to one of the World’s most Beautiful Bays

Montenegro’s Bay of Kotor is one of the most beautiful places to visit.

Boat on the waters of Kotor Bay in summer surrounded by blue waters, flowers and mountains

Montenegro’s stunning Kotor Bay (Boka Bay or Boka Kotorska)

Montenegro’s Adriatic bay of Kotor is the definition of a picture-perfect postcard. Quite literally. It is one of the prettiest places to visit when traveling to Montenegro and for good reason.

Many of Montenegro’s most exquisite towns can be found along this 20km stretch, but it is hard to look by the jewel of the bay. We’ll give you a clue, you can find this town in the name itself.

The crown Jewel of Kotor Bay: The town of Kotor

Calm waters of kotor bay at sunset surrounded by sun-kissed mountain tops

Travel Montenegro in 2024 and visit one of the most beautiful bays in the world

That’s right, the UNESCO World Heritage listed town of Kotor is arguably the best town to visit in the Bay of Kotor. We were absolutely blown away driving in and around the town of Kotor. With dramatic peaks acting as a stunning backdrop to one side, and 5 kilometers of steep hillside on the other, our jaws were basically on the floor. A town known primarily for its natural beauty, rich culture, and family atmosphere, there’s so much to soak up in Kotor.

Climb San Giovanni Fortress for panoramic views across Kotor Bay

The old town of Kotor is the perfect place to discover the country’s rich history and culture. And what better way to combine history with a touch (more like 360-degree views) of beauty than by climbing the town’s ancient fortress. 1350 steps later, you will be blown away but the sweeping views San Giovanni Fortress offers around Kotor Bay. Just be prepared for the ridiculous amount of sweat and leg burn that you can quite simply not avoid on the journey up to the top of the fort. But trust us, it is so worth it!

Person looking over Kotor Old Town from the top of Kotor Fortress

Travel Montenegro and climb 1350 steps to the top of San Giovanni Fortress for spectacular views across the bay

Our Lady of the Rocks

If climbing ain’t your thang (we totally get it because those stairs mean business), you can opt for a relaxing boat ride around the bay of Kotor to take in the views and explore a particular hidden gem within the bay that’s not too be missed; Our Lady of the Rocks.

Situated just off the coast of Perast, this artificial island was in fact created by local fishermen who, after finding an icon of the Virgin Mary on a rock in the sea, vowed to build a church in her honor. As years went by, these fishermen added a stone each time they returned from a successful voyage until an Island was created and they were able to build a stunning church on it.

Hundreds of years later and the islet still continues to grow. This is because every year on July 22nd, the locals mark the anniversary of the island by continuing the tradition of dropping stones from their boats, which would be pretty incredible to witness.

In our experience, a visit to Our Lady of the Rocks is a must-do experience for anyone traveling to Kotor Bay. It’s a chance to step back in time and experience the history and culture of the region, while admiring the bay’s stunning backdrop.

View of our Lady of the Rocks church surrounded by water, green mountains and and blue skies

5. There’s so much to see and do

With so much diversity, Montenegro offers the perfect blend of nature, adventure, and relaxation!

Boat ride around Kotor Bay surrounded by mountainous landscapes and blue summer skies

Despite being one of Europe’s smallest countries, we are not joking when we say Montenegro is one of the biggest show-offs when it comes to beautiful places to see and things to do in Europe.

Montenegro offers a perfect blend of nature, adventure, and relaxation, meaning there’s quite literally something for everyone.

Between its stunning coastline, beautiful beaches, historic towns, UNESCO world heritage sites, unbeatable hiking options, delicious food, and warm hospitality there is SO much you are going to love about Montenegro.

And if you still are not convinced, then the only thing left to do is to simply go and find out for yourself. Happy adventuring you wild cats. We can’t wait for you to create some unforgettable memories.

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